My baby boy is 6 months old. I have absolutely no idea how this can be true but alas, it is. I just sit and stare at him sometimes in awe at how quickly he learns to do something new and how bright he makes every room that he smiles in. Time is flying by so fast that it's hard for me to feel like I'm caught up on my mental "to do list." But I have watched my sweet boy grow and develop. I've learned so much about myself and the natural drive I have to be a good (enough) mother. I always knew that I wanted to have children. I knew I wanted to raise strong, intelligent and faithful kids, but I really didn't know how much my heart would love it. I live every day for my babe. I love to see him smile, giggle, sleep, cry and learn new things every day. When I sit in his nursery with my sweet baby at my breast I am filled with so much love. I am filled with a stillness that I want to hold on to forever. Looking down at those fluttering eye las...
idaho mama who's passionate about thrift stores, the outdoors & living a simple, happy life.