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Six Months as a Mother

My baby boy is 6 months old.
I have absolutely no idea how this can be true but alas, it is.
I just sit and stare at him sometimes in awe at how quickly he learns to do something new and how bright he makes every room that he smiles in.

Time is flying by so fast that it's hard for me to feel like I'm caught up on my mental "to do list."

 But I have watched my sweet boy grow and develop. I've learned so much about myself and the natural drive I have to be a good (enough) mother. I always knew that I wanted to have children. I knew I wanted to raise strong, intelligent and faithful kids, but I really didn't know how much my heart would love it.  I live every day for my babe. I love to see him smile, giggle, sleep, cry and learn new things every day.

When I sit in his nursery with my sweet baby at my breast I am filled with so much love.
I am filled with a stillness that I want to hold on to forever. Looking down at those fluttering eye lashes (and dodging the now flying and flailing arms when he's awake and feeding) I am overwhelmed by how quickly Wyatt is growing and I'm in awe at how beautiful it is to see the very essence of life in such a small little person; in such a small, powerful moment that embodies the bond between Mother and Son.

In those quiet moments I am filled with the strongest desire to capture and hold the two of us in my heart, worried that time will pass us by so quickly and I won't remember.
That I won't remember how it feels to be the source of life to a small, beautiful baby boy with a bright spirit.

Now on a lighter note- let's get to the fun stuff: Wyatt's many accomplishments & likes/dislikes!

He grabs his toes and eats them. Wyatt also loves his fingers (no signs of teeth yet though!) and sometimes he sticks them so far into his mouth that he gags!

He turns over to his sides to watch us walk across the room, rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back.

He sticks every single thing into his mouth.

He loves to watch and giggle at Ruby all day long (which totally melts my heart).

He loves to have raspberries blown on his naked little tummy! I think we get his biggest laugh when we do that.

He loves being tickled.

He still likes to be swaddled even though he can roll around. No matter how good of a job I do the boy always manages to get an arm out.

He loves to sick the edge of his blankets into his mouth and chew on it.

If I hand him his swaddle blankets he immediately buries his face in them and it is adorable.

He can spot mama (that's me!) out of the corner of his eye no matter where I am. I know that if I peek around a corner that I will catch his eye right away and I LOVE it.

Listening to Primary Songs on my phone almost always will calm him down. It is the sweetest thing.
He loves it when I hold him and sing and dance. He thinks that I'm hilarious, friends. He is right.

He still isn't a big fan of his carseat.

At 5 months Wyatt figured out how to sit up all on his own. Now that is all he wants to do. Whenever I put him in the bouncy seat he tries to pull himself up into a seated position.

He is constantly spitting and doing his own "baby beat boxing" and he growls all the time. I love his squeals whenever he sees that I'm getting ready to nurse him, it's like I have a baby piglet for a baby! He also can find anything that I'm holding while nursing him and tries to grab it, even if it's behind his back and there is NO way that he can see it. Crazy boy!

Wyatt likes rice cereal, bananas, applesauce, blueberries, peaches, peas and spinach. He's tried sweet carrots and mango but they always put a sour expression on his cute little face! He is always trying to grab the spoon when I feed him so I've taken to tucking his arms inside of his shirt so that he can't spoon block me. On good feeding days he will yell at me if I walk away to get him more food when he's finished the first bowl. Wyatt has started to take super aggressive bites at the spoon when he's hungry and excited. He has also taken to spiting at me when he's no longer in the mood. Tonight the table was sprayed with spinach when he was done. Nice.

Six months brought his first sickness. About a week ago we hurried him to the ER at 6:45am because he woke up with a 103 degree fever and he was throwing up. Now, normally I'm not one to go the hospital like that but seeing such a high temperature on my babe totally freaked me (and Josh) out.  They tested both Wyatt and me for the flu...which we had. I literally still have no voice. We've been pretty much locked in the house for the last few days. We are finally feeling better! Thank goodness for TamiFlu!

All loose objects within reach go straight into the little boys chubby fist with a direct flight to his mouth! I think a third of his diet is my hair! (Which is always in knots. There's probably a bird nesting in it! I refuse to get a "mom bob" though.)

Whenever I set him down he is rolling or reaching for the closest things at lightning speeds!
Today at the store I was holding him at the check out line and he was twisting and grabbing at everything within his reach. He is definitely a busy boy, just like his daddy was!

One of my favorite funny things Wyatt does is arch his back when he is laying down and wants me to pick him up. His face squishes down and it looks like his cheeks are literally eating his mouth and nose! It's seriously so funny and I will be so sad when he doesn't do that anymore.

I definitely don't get much sleep anymore... but I'm used to that now. Who am I kidding, I didn't get much sleep even before Wyatt was born! He wakes up usually two times a night, sometimes three to nurse and get re-wrapped up in his swaddle.

Whenever one of his muslin swaddle blankets is near Wyatt stuffs it straight into his mouth or he will bury his face in it. Being the baby blankie aficionado that I am I find his love for his swaddles adorable!

I used to think that moms who posted about looking at baby pictures as soon as their babe hit the hay were kinda lame. Well call me lame too, because now I totally get it! I love to hold Wyatt close and stare at his sweet, sleeping face just before laying him down for the night. Sometimes I'm relieved that it's bedtime and other nights I'm sad to see him go.

Wyatt loves to smile and giggle and laugh/scream hysterically all the time. He cracks up whenever you pretend to eat his tummy so naturally that's my new favorite pass time!

I could literally spend all day writing about how much I love this little boy but Parks and Rec is calling and I must go. ;) 

Long story short, my baby is extremely talented and amazing. I am so happy that I will spend the majority of the next 20 years being called, 'Wyatt's Mom'!

- M -


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