First off let me just say, I have always wanted to be a writer. I've taken a creative writing class and read hundreds of books over the years. As far as writing skill goes, I am a far cry from where I hope to someday be but I'm ok with that. I'll just sit back and type away on my little corner of the web for now. I absolutely love to read. I would eat a good book for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it were possible. Maybe if I were a goat? One of my failings as a lover of books is that I don't usually stay up to date on books that are hot off the press. I tend to judge a book by it's cover and usually select my next read off of "related searches/products" on Lame, I know. The Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo has been on and off of my radar for a few years but I never could quite get a copy into my hands. I was often reading another tasty piece of literature or doing something "motherhood related" as of late. Finally after gettin...
idaho mama who's passionate about thrift stores, the outdoors & living a simple, happy life.