This year for Valentine's Day, Josh got me two baby bunnies! They are the cutest, softest little fluff balls. Peach is the blondie and Pippa is our black nosed bunny. We looked at our various options for rabbit hutches and decided to build our own (that was the REAL gift from Josh, haha). Peach is extremely energetic and is always running and jumping around when we have them out of the hutch. It is SO funny to watch how high these babies can jump! Pippa is the calmer one and most likely to snuggle while I read or watch TV by the fire. Now that spring is here the bunnies get to spend a lot more time running around with Wyatt and Ruby in the back yard. Pippa loves to explore under the deck and is extremely fast. I never really thought that I would have pet rabbits but I am actually really enjoying them! They are mostly potty trained which is something that I didn't realize you could do with rabbits. We keep a small litter box in their hutch so ...
idaho mama who's passionate about thrift stores, the outdoors & living a simple, happy life.